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About Crispy Crystals

Meet the Owner

Welcome! My name is Anita and I am the owner of Crispy Crystals. I’ve been lucky enough to work in the Crystal & Mineral industry since the end of 2020 and decided to start my very own shop to provide clear and clean-cut crystals for your spiritual journey & growing collection. 

I was first introduced to spirituality through my sister Angela. She was a yogi, spiritual practitioner and radiated the most joyful energy. She loved the idea of me running a crystal business and supported me by offering me opportunities to speak at her workshops. Unfortunately, she passed away from colon cancer in 2021 around the first year of my previous business. I have regrets not diving into the spiritual realm with her while she was here. I am not a certified healer or professional by any means, but crystals & spirituality helps me connect with her and is one of the reasons why I love collecting so much- besides the fact that crystals are beautiful. 

This business is all run by myself only. Sourcing, product photography, content creation, marketing, packaging, and shipping is all done by yours truly. I have a passion for entrepreneurship, creativity, and mental health. I hope that you see that my passions will reflect in my shop & service. 

♡ Anita

Mission Statement

My mission for this new endeavor is to help protect Mother Earth with every order. We are very blessed to easily obtain material that our very own planet created & I would like to fulfill my duty and give back. I have always been an advocate for environmental conservation and I truly believe the smallest actions will make a great impact on restoring the climate and biodiversity crises.

For every order Crispy Crystals receives, I will give back $10 to The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is one of the most effective environmental nonprofit organizations in the world. TNC has a long history of protecting lands, rivers, lakes and oceans through projects on ground. They also collaborate with partner organizations in the field and with governments and other influencers to inform policy decisions and direct public funding to further their mission.

Every donation will play a direct role in conservation and effective advocacy work. Donations go towards projects such as planting trees to tackle climate change, conserving wildlife creatures, and rebuilding imperiled shellfish reefs. Please visit The Nature Conservancy for more information on their mission.

Every order that you make will go towards the greater good of protecting our planet. 

After working in this industry for the last 2 years, I have noticed how much plastic waste is produced through packaging due to the fragile nature of crystals. I have taken our packaging to heart and will use eco-friendly packaging materials to fulfill your order. No more bubble-wrap and plastics. Your package will be delivered with honeycomb wrap, biodegradable peanuts, and recycled materials. I will ensure that you will receive your crystals safely without having to use wasteful products. Hopefully, we can save the planet one package at a time. 

With everything being said, every order means a lot to me. Thank you in advance for supporting my small business and my goal to create a more sustainable future for our planet. 

♡ Anita